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Search for: extended-roudNo_s:146
- First line: On yonder hill there lives a lady but her name I do not know
- Roud no: 146 | Sound recording booklet | Text; Music
- Booklet for Leader LEAB 404 ('Song for Every Season', 1971) p.12
- Copper Family | Rottingdean
- First line: On yonder hill there lives a lady
- Roud no: 146 | Book | Text; Music
- Copper, Early to Rise (1976) pp.256-257
- Copper Family | Rottingdean
- First line: On yonder hill there lives a lady
- Roud no: 146 | Sound recording | Audio; Text
- Caedmon TC 1142 / Topic 12T 157 (`Songs of Courtship')
- Copper, Bob & Ron | Rottingdean
- First line: On yonder hill there stands a creature
- Roud no: 146 | Book | Text; Music
- Karpeles, Cecil Sharp Collection 1 (1974) p.687 (Version a)
- Wooley, William | Bincombe
- First line: Yonder sits a Spanish lady
- Roud no: 146 | Book | Text; Music
- Karpeles, Cecil Sharp Collection 1 (1974) pp.688-689 (Version b)
- Shepherd, William | Winchcombe
- First line: On yonder hill there lives a maiden
- Roud no: 146 | Book | Text; Music
- Karpeles, Cecil Sharp Collection 1 (1974) pp.689-690 (Version c)
- Beale, James | Warehorne
- First line: Yonder mountain stands a creature
- Roud no: 146 | Book | Frag. Text; Music
- Karpeles, Cecil Sharp Collection 1 (1974) pp.690-691 (Version d)
- Emery, Alfred | Othery
- First line: My father was a Spanish captain
- Roud no: 146 | Book | Text; Music
- Karpeles, Cecil Sharp Collection 1 (1974) pp.691-692 (Version e)
- White, Mrs. Lucy / Mrs. Louie Hooper | Hambridge
- First line: What care I for gold and silver
- Roud no: 146 | Book | Text; Music
- Karpeles, Cecil Sharp Collection 1 (1974) pp.692-693 (Version f)
- Hezeltine, Mrs. | Camborne
- First line: Tell me, will you tell me truly
- Roud no: 146 | Book | Text; Music
- Kennedy, Folksongs of Britain & Ireland (1975) p.315
- Bishop, Emily | Bromsberrow Heath
- First line: Tell me one thing, tell me truly
- Roud no: 146 | Book | Text; Music
- Roberts & Agey, In the Pine (1978) pp.217-218
- Holmes, Mrs. | Barren County
- First line: Tell me one thing, tell me true
- Roud no: 146 | Sound recording | Audio
- Edith Fowke Coll. (FO 21)
- Fraser, Mrs. Arlington | Lancaster
- First line: My father was a wealthy merchant
- Roud no: 146 | Journal | Frag. Text; Music
- Tolman & Eddy: Journal of American Folklore 35 (1922) pp.405-407 (version a)
- Eddy, Mary O. | Ohio
- First line: Tell me one thing, tell me truly
- Roud no: 146 | Journal | Frag. Text; Music
- Tolman & Eddy: Journal of American Folklore 35 (1922) pp.405-407 (version b)
- Ross, Mrs. Daniel | Shreve
- First line: Tell me one thing, tell me truly
- Roud no: 146 | Book | Text; Music
- Fowke, Ring Around the Moon p.117
- Fraser, Mrs. Arlington | Lancaster
- First line: My father he was a Spanish merchant and before he went to sea
- Roud no: 146 | Sound recording | Audio
- Edith Fowke Coll. (FO 85)
- Botting, Stanley | Naramata
- First line: Pretty maid walking in the garden
- Roud no: 146 | Book | Text; Music
- Purslow, Marrow Bones (1965) p.63
- Greening, John (tune) / Mrs. Bowring (text) | Cerne Abbas
- First line: My father was a Spanish merchant
- Roud no: 146 | Book | Text
- Fuson, Ballads of the Kentucky Highlands (1930) p.81
- Moses, Mrs. Louisa | Kentucky
- First line: In London city there dwelt a maiden
- Roud no: 146 | Sound recording | Audio; Text
- Folkways FG 3507 / Topic TSCD 511 (`Now is the Time for Fishing')
- Larner, Sam | Winterton
- First line: Tell me one thing, tell me truly
- Roud no: 146 | Book | Text; Music
- Randolph, Ozark Folk Songs 3 pp.104-105
- Morgan, Mrs. Maggie | Springdale
- First line: On yonder hill there stands a creature
- Roud no: 146 | Book | Text
- Reeves, Idiom of the People (1958) pp.162-163
- Morley, William | Bincombe
- First line: On yonder hill there stands a creature
- Roud no: 146 | Book | Text; Music
- Sharp, Folk Songs from Somerset 4 (1908) pp.46-47
- Wooley, William | Bincombe
- Image attached
- First line: On yonder hill there stands a creature
- Roud no: 146 | Book | Text; Music
- Sharp, English Folk Songs 2 (1921) pp.116-117
- First line: Tell me one thing, tell me truly
- Roud no: 146 | Book | Text
- Stout, Folklore from Iowa (1936) p.44
- Beck, Oren | Belle Plaine
- First line: Tell me one thing, and tell me truly
- Roud no: 146 | Book | Text; Music
- Hamer, Green Groves p.58
- Walmsley, Mrs. A. | Lancashire
- First line: Tell me one thing, tell me truly
- Roud no: 146 | Songster | Text; Music
- Illustrated Popular Songster (1883)
- Spear & Dehnhoff (New York) / White, Smith & Co. (Boston / Chicago) (1883) | USA : New York / Boston / Chicago
- First line: As I went down to Broadway, intended not to stay very long
- Roud no: 146 | Sound recording | Audio / Text
- Singers and Songs of West Clare website (Clare County Library)
- Howley, Martin | Fanore
- URL link
- First line: Oh yonder stands a most beauty creature
- Roud no: 146 | Sound recording | Audio
- Brian Matthews Collection Tape 3
- Townshend, George | Lewes
- URL linksoundfile?
- First line: See yonder sits a lovely creature
- Roud no: 146 | Sound recording | Audio
- Brian Matthews Collection Tape 3
- Patching, Alf | Fulking
- URL linksoundfile?
- First line: As I walked out to Nottaway city
- Roud no: 146 | Book / Sound recording | Audio; Text
- Leary, Folksongs of Another America (2015) pp.121-123
- McBride, Bill | Mt. Pleasant
- URL link
- First line: Tell me one thing tell me truly
- Roud no: 146 | Manuscript | Text
- James Madison Carpenter MSS Collection (American Folklife Center, Library of Congress / VWML, London) p.09463
- Adams, Janey
- First line: Tell me one thing tell me truly
- Roud no: 146 | Sound recording
- Memorial University Folklore Archive (MUNFLA) (St. John's, Newfoundland) acc. 71-26 / counter 089
- Power, Rose | Branch
- First line: On yonder hill there stands a creature
- Roud no: 146 | Book | Text; Music
- Sharp, A Selection of Collected Folk-Songs Vol.1 [n.d.] pp.45-47
- Somerset
- Image attached
- First line: .. What care I for gold or silver
- Roud no: 146 | Sound recording / Manuscript | Audio; Text
- Ken Stubbs Field Collection (tape 1) KS-01-4-43 / Book 3 p.57
- Patching, Alf | Fulking
- URL linksoundfile?
- First line: Oh yonder stands a lovely creature
- Roud no: 146 | Sound recording | Audio
- Ken Stubbs Field Collection (tape 3) KS-03-1-18
- Townshend, George | Lewes
- URL linksoundfile?
- First line: As I walked through London city, after twelve o'clock one night
- Roud no: 146 | Manuscript | Text; Music
- Clive Carey MSS (VWML) Ex 93 / nb 3/9; 3/30; Ms 6; FSJ.1934.133
- Yeldham, Frederick | Thaxted
- URL link
- First line: Tell me something tell me truly
- Roud no: 146 | Sound recording | Audio
- Virginia Folklore Society Collection (Univ. Virginia, Charlotteville)
- Forbes, Miss Louise | Roanoke
- URL link
- First line: Ho! yonder stands a charming creature
- Roud no: 146 | Magazine | Text; Music
- Musical Herald (1 Sep 1891) p.262
- [Young carpenter] | Besthorpe
- Image attached
- First line: Madam I have come to court ye
- Roud no: 146 | Journal | Text; Music
- Barry: Journal of American Folklore 24 (1911) pp.341-342
- C., S. | Co. Tyrone
- First line: On yonder hill there stands a creature
- Roud no: 146 | Sound recording | Audio
- Bob & Jacqueline Patten Collection: British Library Sound Archive: 1CDR0010837 (copy of C1033/42)
- Showers, Charlie | Drayton
- URL link
- First line: Tell me will you tell me truly
- Roud no: 146 | Sound recording | Audio
- Peter Kennedy Collection: British Library Sound Archive: C604/98 (time 20:52 - 23:21)
- Bishop, Emily | Bromsberrow Heath
- URL link
- First line: [..] will you tell me truly
- Roud no: 146 | Sound recording | Audio
- Russell Wortley Collection (Sheffield University Library) (copy in British Library Sound Archive)
- Bishop, Emily | Bromsberrow Heath
- First line: Tell me why you are so cruel
- Roud no: 146 | Sound recording | Audio; Text; Music
- Folkways FA 2427 ('Precious Memories')
- Ritchie, Jean | Viper
- Roud no: 146 | Broadside | Reference only
- List of songs on Poet's Box (Glasgow) broadsides (n.d.)
- First line: Tell me one thing, tell me truly
- Roud no: 146 | Sound recording | Audio; Text
- Max Hunter Collection (Springfield-Greene County Library) 1406 (MFH 949)
- Davis, Mary Jo | Fayetteville
- URL link
- First line: My father, he is a merchant
- Roud no: 146 | Thesis | Text
- Duncan, Ballads & Folk Songs Collected in Northern Hamilton County (1939) pp.354-355
- Gann, Viola | Sale Creek
- Roud no: 146 | Thesis | Text
- Haun, Cocke County Ballads & Songs (1937) p.138
- Haun, Mrs. Maggie | Cocke County
- First line: Pretty maid walking in the garden
- Roud no: 146 | Book | Text; Music
- Purslow, Marrow Bones (Rev. edn. 2007) p.75
- Greening, John (tune) / Mrs. Bowring (text) | Cerne Abbas
- First line: Ripest apples soon gets rotten
- Roud no: 146 | Sound recording | Audio
- Veteran VT 115CD ('As I Went Down to Horsham')
- Hall, Mabs | Horsham
- Roud no: 146 | Manuscript Collection | Music
- Francis Collinson MSS Collection (VWML) Vol.5 No.58E
- Copper, Bob (?) | Rottingdean
- URL link